
Feeling lonely? Find out more about the activities we have which may help reduce social isolation and feelings of loneliness.

Feelings of loneliness can begin at any age.

Activities regularly take place at our community buildings, The Arc and The Viking Centre, including coffee mornings, games nights, social teas, and more.

For those aged over 55, we have regular activities taking place in our Retirement Living schemes such as chair based exercise sessions, craft afternoons, coffee mornings and trips to local events and venues. You don’t have to live in one of these schemes either. In addition, there are events such as the annual Dine and Dance which takes place for our older tenants and every year we hold a Christmas party for our tenants who will not see anyone on Christmas Day.

You can find out more about all the different types of support we offer, here.

Understanding loneliness

New homes (1)

Known effects

  • Less energy and feeling tired more often
  • Greater likelihood of chronic illness such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes
  • More frequent bouts of sickness, such as colds or flu, and longer recovery times
  • Longer recovery times from injury
  • Increased likelihood of depression
  • Decreased level of happiness and satisfaction with life in general
  • Shorter life spans.
Two people are holding hands and dancing. They are looking at the camera. One is wearing a waistcoat and a white shirt. One is wearing a black top.

Helpful activities

  • Being an Ongo volunteer and helping out at one of our events.
  • Getting involved with our Dine and Dance sessions; they are so much fun and you will meet people who are in a position similar to yourself
  • Coming along to our annual Ongo Carnival, held in Scunthorpe
  • Attending one of our Community Hubs and taking part in one of the many events held there.

We can also make referrals to some of our partner agencies such as local Wellbeing Hubs, Age UK or leisure centres and libraries to name just a few.