Anti-social behaviour (ASB)
Did you know that you can skip the phone queues and report this on our My Home app 24/7?
Anti-social behaviour is not acceptable.
Everyone has the right to enjoy their home, free from nuisance or the anti-social behaviour of others.
Our Tenancy Services team works with local councils and partner organisations to keep our communities thriving and a great place to live.
Anti-social behaviour includes things such as excessive dog barking, regular loud music, overgrown gardens, criminal damage, hate crime, shouting, swearing and verbal abuse.
You can report anti-social behaviour quickly and 24/7 on our My Home app.
We are a local hate crime reporting centre
Hate crimes should be reported to the police.
As a local hate crime reporting centre, we can offer support and advice on the reporting process. Get in contact with us or visit us at our buildings:
Ongo House High Street, Scunthorpe DN15 6AT Tel: 01724 279900 Email: | The Arc 2 Lichfield Ave Westcliff, Scunthorpe DN17 1QX Tel: 01724 298818 Email: | The Viking Centre Fairfield Drive, Barton DN18 6ER Tel: 01652 660018 Email: |
Next steps
If you’re sure that what you’re experiencing is anti-social behaviour, where it is safe to do so, you should first try to approach the other party involved. You should explain to them how their actions are affecting you and ask them to change their behaviour. Sometimes, other people may not be aware that their behaviour is causing distress or nuisance and letting them know may help.
If you feel threatened, intimidated, or witness a crime, you should always contact the police first. You can contact the police by calling 999 to report emergencies or by calling 101 for non-emergencies.
Useful advice about how to deal with a problem neighbour can be found at Citizens Advice or ASB Help.
Reporting anti-social behaviour to us
If you need to report anti-social behaviour, you can use our quick and easy self-service option through My Home, your online account. If you are already registered, you can log in online through our website, or by downloading the app.
We have created some videos to show you how to easily report anti-social behaviour through My Home.
How to report anti-social behaviour through My Home
Monitoring your anti-social behaviour case through My Home
Antisocial behaviour FAQs
Find out more below about anti-social behaviour
If you are the person reporting, there may be occasions where you need to report incidents to partner agencies such as:
- Police, who will provide you with reference or log numbers
- Local authorities such as the Environmental Health Noise investigation teams, who will request you record a diary, CCTV footage or photo evidence.
You may be asked to attempt to resolve the situation yourself, speaking to the person, signing a Good Neighbour Agreement or consenting to mediation.
We will take responsibility to help you, when these things happen we want to help with an early resolution between everyone that is involved with all parties needs considered and supported. Additional help and support can be provided through Ongo Communities team and referrals to partner agencies.
We work with the following organisations, who may also be able to assist you:
- Citizens Advice
- ASB Help/
- ASB Resolve
- Victim Support
- Finding a local solicitor
- Local Community Safety Partnerships
- Police
- Home Office guidance on the ASB Case Review
- Get help with stress – NHS
- RSPCA – animal welfare
Please refer to your local authority or police team in the area which you live
North Lincolnshire Council (Scunthorpe and surrounding areas)
Doncaster properties (including, Moorends, Hatfield, Thorne, Balby)
Bircotes properties
Lincoln properties (including North Hykeham)
Gainsborough, Nettleham and Blyton Properties
If you are dissatisfied with any attempts to resolve the issue, you are able to raise an ASB Case Review, formerly known as a Community Trigger. This means that the case will be independently reviewed.
There’s different criteria to raising an ASB Case Review, depending on where you live.
North Lincolnshire
The ASB Case Review can be used to review a case if:
- You (as an individual) have complained about three separate incidents of antisocial behaviour in the last six months to Humberside Police, North Lincolnshire Council or a Registered Social Landlord
Find out more about the ASB Case Review process in North Lincolnshire.
- The victim has reported three separate, but related incidents (Qualifying Complaints, as detailed below) to either the district council, police, or registered housing provider within the preceding 6-months to the application and the ASB persists.
- A senior manager (district council Community Safety Manager/Police Inspector) within the authority decides that an ASB Case Review is necessary to safeguard a vulnerable victim of ASB.
Find out more about the ASB Case Review process in Lincolnshire here.
Doncaster/South Yorkshire
Any ASB Case Review requests take into account:
- the nature of the incident – did it cause you harassment, alarm or distress?
- the number of incidents – have you reported three separate incidents relating to the same (or similar) issue within a six-month period? *The most recent incident must not be more than a month old
- Have five or more different households separately reported the same issue within a six-month period.
Find out more about the ASB Case Review process in Doncaster/South Yorkshire