Wear it Pink Friday

On Wednesday 16 October, we held a Wear it Pink day to help raise money for Breast Cancer Now.
In 2019 Breast Cancer Now and Breast Cancer Care merged together. It is now the UK’s largest comprehensive charity supporting this condition.
Their aim is that by 2050, everyone who develops the disease will live and receive the support they need to live well.
The total raised from the day was over £300, from a cake sale, pink tombola, a competition and of course we all wore pink.
We always like to be involved with various charities from sharing information to raising money for them. Most recently 25 Ongo colleagues took part in the 10-mile Glow Walk, which helped raise money for Lindsey Lodge Hospice in Scunthorpe.
Wendy Wolfe, our Customer Experience Manager, said: “I thought it was important to do this event to give support for those people living with breast cancer.
“It’s something very close to my heart after going through this personally, along with other colleagues from Ongo and it really is life changing, not only for the individual affected but also their families and friends.
“I’d like to thank everyone whose helped with promotion, donated prizes, baked cakes or got involved on the day.
“It’s so important to continue supporting these kinds of events and we couldn’t have done it without everyone’s involvement.
“We are fortunate to work for an organisation who are fully supportive with various charities, and we see colleagues regularly taking part in different events throughout the year to help raise funds.”
To find out more about the charity, go to: https://breastcancernow.org/information-support