The Viking Centre is here for you

Over the course of the pandemic our Viking Centre team, based on Caistor Road in Barton, has continued to help and engage with hundreds of local people.
From March 2020, the team have been working hard to remain present on the estate, let people know they are still there for them, and provide a range of much needed support in a safe and secure way.
This has included telephone calls to check in, providing food to those most in need, mental health support, housing and employment advice and activities for the whole family to get involved it.
It’s over this time period 35 families, who would have otherwise struggled, have been provided with over 1,800 food parcels and even more have received takeaway hot meals for through their café. This has been especially vital through school holidays and is set to continue for as long as is needed.
Engagement on the estate has continued with virtual and telephone appointments, and free activities for all ages have been posted out, with educational material, crafts and treats. Most recently the team have put packs together for the Easter holidays, which are coming up soon.
Grace Woolley, our Viking Centre Co-ordinator said: “I’m so proud of my team and what we have been able to achieve over the past year in very uncertain times.
“They have used their initiative to offer regular help and adapted their way of working to ensure we can support our community as much as possible
“Whether it has been cooking and preparing 72 meals each week alongside distributing food parcels, or making sure that young people were still able to receive a little Christmas magic, we have delivered as much as we can while keeping everyone safe.”
The team at The Viking Centre are dedicated to being on hand to help the community, and are putting plans in place to open back up when restrictions allow.
To find out more about the centre, find them or social media or go to: