Offering new opportunities

Ten people have recently been awarded tablet devices through our Employment Support team, to help tackle social isolation and ensure those most in need can access support.
Part of an ongoing project called ‘Everyone Connected’, this initiative aims to ensure people can keep in touch with loved ones, and can still access a range of services.
George, 63, had only ever known getting help through face-to-face appointments but, with the Covid-19 situation limiting this form of contact, he wondered how he would be able to still get the support that he needed.
Little did he know that it would open up even more opportunities and give him a whole new range of skills.
George said: “I’d not had much experience of using technology before so I was quite apprehensive, but Kelly from the Employment Support team was so helpful. She showed me how to use the device, and has been calling me on a weekly basis to make sure that I’m okay and continuing to get the relevant support.”
He has been using the Android device to complete some e-learning courses as part of his search for work, and he recently won a ‘Most Digitally Improved’ award. George explains how having the tablet has made ‘such a difference’.
“It’s made things so much easier for me, and has allowed me to do things like look for jobs and access my Universal Credit journal all from the comfort of my own home.
“This is just another way in which I’ve been supported, and it’s heartening to know that the help is always there.”
If you would like help to get into work, to learn new skills and to improve your confidence, our Employment Support team are here for you.
Contact to find out more.