It’s Volunteers’ week and we’re celebrating

Volunteers’ week is an annual celebration of the contribution millions of people make across the UK through volunteering in their communities.
We are celebrating by saying thank you and highlighting the amazing work our volunteers do and offering the opportunity for others to get involved.
Over the last 12 months our team has worked with over 55 volunteers. All of which have gone through accredited training and have a dedicated coach to help get them into work.
In light of the week, we wanted to share Dale Traynor’s story.
Dale started his volunteer journey with Employment support, unsure of what he wanted to do after being out of work for a while.
He worked with the team to build his confidence and gain experience, he attended a variety of different courses to enhance his skills, such as Multiply, volunteer training and he also enrolled with audit skills on a business admin course.
He has since done several work placements within Ongo to help gain the skills and knowledge he wants within the customer service field.
Dale Traynor said, “I can’t remember the first time I came into Ongo, but what I do know is that I immediately felt welcomed.
A massive thank you to Employment Support for the huge support they have given me throughout the years and still supporting me now. They have helped me find myself again, made me think about my life choices and put me on that path of achievement and success.
I don’t know where I would be if it wasn’t for Employment Support and the amazing people at Ongo. Thank you.”
To find out more about volunteering or to get involved, please visit