Grenfell Inquiry - keeping our customers safe
With the Grenfell Inquiry final report published today, we’re reflecting on the tragedy which caused the deaths of 72 people and devastated the lives of so many.
Despite no new recommendations for social landlords within this report given legal changes already in place, we wanted to share the steps we take to ensure our homes remain safe places for people to live.
These include:
The installation of 60 minute fire doors
Annual flat entrance door inspections
Quarterly communal door inspections
Monthly lift servicing inspections
Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPS) are in place for those who may be unable to self-evacuate
Evacuation plans given to residents and local fire and rescue services
Fire door and safety information is provided regularly
Fire alarm systems and sprinkler systems installed across our high-rise buildings
Relevant signage in all our high-rise buildings
The creation of a Residents Building Safety Group
The creation of a Building Safety Resident Engagement Framework
A Fire Register, which is made available for fire and rescue services upon attending an incident
Cladding on our buildings has been confirmed as non-ACM cladding, which contributed to the rapid spread of the fire at Grenfell.
In addition to the above, our fire safety procedures are tested regularly and we work closely with local fire and rescue services including Humberside Fire and Rescue Service to support our work around fire safety.
Keeping our customers safe is priority for us, and here at Ongo we want to ensure that people feel safe within their homes too.