A day in the life of Jess

One of our Project Managers.
How long have you worked for Ongo?
I started in January 2012 as an Area Manager in the Repairs team. I then moved into a Project Manager role within the Development team, which focused on new homes, and now I’m in the Investment team.
What does your role involve?
Our team carry out the major investment work to our existing homes and neighbourhoods to ensure they are safe and well-maintained.
I also look at which homes are due to have renewal work completed and then liaise with the relevant contractors. We have several surveyors who carry out stock surveys so that we have up to date information on our current homes, this then determines the work that will be conducted.
How does your work help to benefit tenants?
It helps to form one of our main objectives – to offer quality homes. We want to make sure that every tenant is living in a home in a good condition and that we’re not just solely focusing on building new homes, but also improving current homes.
It also helps to achieve value for money so that it can be invested in other services for tenants, and ensures that we are compliant with the latest landlord health & safety legislation.
What is the favourite thing about your job?
The people I work with. We have a great team and I also love working with my colleagues across Ongo.
Can you explain about some recent and future projects?
We have recently installed new fire doors at Trent View House (Scunthorpe) and a new heating system at one of our retirement schemes, Lincoln Court. Work is progressing well with the replacement of kitchens and bathrooms along with rewires in homes that are due for renewal.
Our work to reduce carbon emissions also continues, targeting the homes that have a low energy efficient rating (EPC) and improving them which will help tenants to live in a more efficient and economical home.
Any final message?
The stock surveys update our records on the age and condition of the elements in your home and we then use this data to plan our programmes of work.
We will contact you when something within your home is due to be renewed. You can help us to ensure we have the correct information by allowing access to your home when we contact you to carry out a stock survey.