
We have a clear aim when it comes to sustainability – to reach net zero by 2050. Take a look at what this means, what we are doing, and find out how you might be able to help us help the environment.

Our journey to net zero

By 2050, organisations are required to be net zero in all areas of their business.
We have ambitious plans for doing this, including ensuring that all of our offices and buildings are carbon neutral by 2027.
We’re already on our way, and in 2023, we built eight net zero homes.

OngoPhotograph by Richard Walker/ImageNorth

Where we want to get to by 2025

  • Improve the energy efficiency in our existing homes.
  • Complete pilot project of net zero homes by mid 2023.
  • First New Build scheme employing Modern Methods of Construction to be commissioned by 2023.
  • Start with implementation of electric fleet of vans starting in 2024.
  • Ensure all our new homes are rated highly (EPC B and above)*.
  • Actively promote ways to improve our approach personally and corporately to the environment with colleagues, tenants and customers.
  • Engage with colleagues, tenants and customers to get them involved, on board and excited about our journey to net zero.

*Our current new homes are predominantly built to EPC B, but many are now starting to achieve EPC A with the introduction of renewable technologies and increased building insulation as a consequence of Building Regulations changes implemented in June 2023. Elements of these improved standards are introduced into new schemes where this is financially viable.

OngoPhotograph by Richard Walker/ImageNorth

Where we want to get to by 2028

  • 26% of our homes will have an EPC rating of below C (2,580 properties)
  • 60% of our homes will have an EPC rating of C or below by 2026
  • Roof replacement programmes to consider the installation of PV panels from 2025
  • All our offices and buildings will be carbon neutral by 2027
  • 300mm across whole stock, starting immediately. Initial focus in empty homes and on re-roofing programmes.
OngoPhotograph by Richard Walker/ImageNorth

Roadmap to 2050

You can view our roadmap below which shows how we plan to achieve net zero by 2050.

Net zero roadmap
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Our journey to net zero

Watch our video explaining our journey to net zero.

OngoPhotograph by Richard Walker/ImageNorth

Environmental competition

For your chance to win an eco goodie bundle to the value to £50, take a look at our competition here.