More about our group

OngoPhotograph by Richard Walker/ImageNorth

How we started

We began life in 2007, when we were known as North Lincolnshire Homes. It was at this time that North Lincolnshire Council asked its tenants to vote on whether they wanted their landlord to stay as the council, or whether they would prefer to set up a new housing association.

They voted for a housing association – and North Lincolnshire Homes was created.

OngoPhotograph by Richard Walker/ImageNorth

About Ongo

In 2012 we contacted all our tenants to update them on our aims to be able to invest in the communities of North Lincolnshire and make our communities better places to live, with more opportunities for local people. Tenant Ordinary Members voted in favour of us setting up a new group. This is when Ongo was formed.

We set up the group of companies, recruited new Board members, started to promote the group, Ongo was created and North Lincolnshire Homes changed its name to Ongo Homes. This was with the full knowledge and approval of the Homes and Communities Agency, which regulated Ongo Homes as a social housing provider, at that time.

OngoPhotograph by Richard Walker/ImageNorth

Who is part of Ongo?

Ongo Homes is our group parent and other companies in the group are Ongo Communities, Ongo Developments, Ongo Recruitment, Crosby Brokerage, Hales & Coultas Heating and Plumbing and Ashbridge Roofing.

OngoPhotograph by Richard Walker/ImageNorth

Work with us

We’re always on the lookout for opportunities to work with and partner with other organisations. Whether you’re a home developer, housing association or other business that thinks we could be a good fit together; we’d love to hear from you.

Our aim is to improve local communities and it would be great to do this together. Visit us at our Head Office at Ongo House, Church Square, Scunthorpe, or call us on 01724 279900.